Speaking as an acupuncturist myself and someone who's studied Ayurveda, this is a really thoughtful, insightful post on the relationship between the two. Clinically, I tend to use thinner needles on Vata patients and to choose specific acupuncture treatments that are more supplementing/tonifying in nature. I find Vata patients respond quickly and rapidly to treatment. The downside is things can go downhill just as quickly whether due to a wrong treatment or through the patient's own choices. Slow and steady--and gentle--gets there in the end...

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jonathan. I appreciate hearing about the ways you have adapted your clinical approach for vāta patients. Your observations are very true to the nature of vāta--responsive and changeable. For this reason, I often think of treating vāta patients with a stabilizing and harmonizing approach, which acupuncture can provide so beautifully.

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